Kansas Muslim Brotherhood Leader Mohamad Albadawi on TSA Watchlist

Posted on August 14, 2018


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The photo above shows Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamad Albadawi of Overland Park, KS and Moussa Elbayoumy also of Kansas at the recent CAIR Press Conference.

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Screen capture from Muslim American Society KC at JC Nichols Fountains in Kansas City August 18, 2013

The four finger hand gesture shows support for the Muslim Brotherhood “martyrs”. Six days after the Muslim American Society of Kansas City co-sponsored the rally called “Tahrir Square KC” Turkey’s Erdogan also signaled his support for the Brotherhood.

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Following Egypt’s 2013 army coup that ousted the democratically elected Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood (MB) government, there were massive protests and sit-ins in Cairo and clashes between MB supporters and the army, resulting in nearly 1,000 deaths. Most of the clashes occurred in Cairo’s Rabaa Square. In Arabic, the word “Rabaa” or “Rabia” means “fourth,” and so MB supporters adopted the name “R4BIA” for the new four-fingered salute, which consists of raising for fingers, and folding you thumb over your palm. ( “24-Aug-13 World View — Turkey’s Erdogan adopts Muslim Brotherhood’s four-fingered salute”)

See more from the Geller Report here.

Mohamad Albadawi tells a sad story below at the CAIR Press conference. He doesn’t mention in the video below that he “likes” Abdullah Azzam, or HAMAS.

So before you start crying for Mr. Albadawi, keep in mind the CAIR Press Conference was on August 8, 2018. Just over 3 months prior, on April 25, 2018 Albadawi was touring America with a Syrian Extremist Imam hosted by his Overland Park based Relief Org “Mercy Without Limits”.

Syrian Imam Who Endorsed Suicide Bombing Tours U.S. Mosques

by John Rossomando  •  Apr 25, 2018 at 9:22 am

A Syrian imam who sanctioned Palestinian suicide bombings and who was banned from Denmark last year as a “hate preacher” is visiting several mosques in the Eastern United States.

“All the Jewish people are combatants” acceptable as targets for attacks in Israel, Sheikh Mohammed Rateb Nabulsi wrote in his 2001 “ruling on martyrdom operations in Palestine.”

“They do not have a career that a military rank does not encounter: doctor, pilot, engineer, for example, is a tank commander. Every civilian, citizen,” he wrote. “They do not have a regular army; they have a reserve army, and all the people can fight, so this is essentially an entirely aggressive entity from A to Z. This is the Sharia ruling.”

He deleted this fatwa from his Arabic website in 2014 after the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) first wrote about a U.S. visit on behalf of the Syrian American Council (SAC) and Shaam Relief. A cache of the original post remains available. SAC worked to cover up the fatwa for State Department officials.

Nabulsi, who endorsed the death penalty for homosexuals, also suggested in a 2010 post on his website that same-sex marriage was a reason for Muslims to wage violent jihad against the West.

Nabulsi spoke Monday at the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., and last week at a middle school near Orlando and at the Islamic Center of Boca Raton. He’s scheduled to speak at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC) tonight, at Masjid al-Farooq in Brooklyn on Thursday, the Islamic Center of Passaic County (ICPC) on Friday, and Saturday at the Bergen County Islamic Center.

His fundraising tour benefits the Rahma Relief Foundation and Mercy Without Limits, both charities that say they aim to help Syrian refugees.

Mercy Without Limits chairman and President Mohamad Albadawi also serves as a trustee of the Muslim American Society (MAS), which prosecutors say was founded as the “overt arm” of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. He was listed in 1997 as the registered agent of the Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA) in SHAWNEE MISSION Kansas and his Mercy Without Limits biography says he served as executive director. MAYA hosted Osama Bin Laden’s mentor Abdullah Azzam in 1989 and Muslim Brotherhood ideologue Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi in 1995. Albadawi spoke at MAYA’s 1993 convention in Detroit.

MAS hosted Nabulsi at its December 2016 convention in Chicago. Nabulsi met that same month with senior Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar.

Zuhdi Jasser, a Syrian-American and founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, condemned the mosques for treating Nabulsi as mainstream.

“It is incumbent upon every American Muslim especially the Syrian community to marginalize and defeat the ideas of radical Islamism peddled by the likes of Nabulsi,” Jasser said.

So, I asked Mohamad Albadawi (Overland Park, KS) about bringing this guy to the US via Twitter, the exchange can be seen below.

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On 8/19/18 I inquired about the HAMAS figure with his face covered in the photo above. I asked him because Albadawi is registered as the leader of MAYA Muslim Arab Youth Association of Shawnee Mission, KS. The picture of the man with his face covered is from a Kansas City MAYA Conference at Bartle Hall from the late 80’s.

You can see the video of the KC Conference below and as the video shows in the top right of the screen, Mohamad Albadawi has this video in his youtube “favorites” playlist.

click to WATCH

Mohamad Albadawi helps to bring refugees into the country. KCUR, an affiliate of NPR (National Palestinian Radio) wrote about Mr. Albadawi but failed to mention his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, but they know all about it. Read it here.

Mr. Albadawi’s daughter Duaa Albadawi is/was engaged to a man convicted of trying to BOMB Chicago.

UPDATE – KSHB41 has removed their interview with Duaa Albadawi – They are HIDING THE TRUTH – See the video they are hiding, and my breakdown of their refugee worker guest here.

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